My story...
Hi, I am Leanne!
I have a BSc in Psychology, a MSc in Public Health Nutrition and BSc in Nutritional Therapy.
I am a mum of two daughters and I set up my business in 2020.
My journey into motherhood wasn't easy, I found both pregnancies tough and I had gestational diabetes with my second daughter. After pregnancy it really stood out to me how us mums were silently struggling with health symptoms such as brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, sluggish digestive system and generally feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. I started to question why there was no nutritional advice provided after pregnancy despite the fact that pregnancy, child birth and breastfeeding are the most nutrient demanding processes a women will probably ever go through. Nutrition depletions contributing to undesirable symptoms and health conditions. and if not addressed, they can still be apparent 10 years on and will be exacerbated after each subsequent pregnancy (especially if births are less than 2 years apart).
Us women are complicated, we go through so many stages in life and hormones change at each life stage (whether that's preconception, pregnancy, postnatal, perimenopause or menopause) and we need to adapt our self-care plan accordingly. We all have our own health story, personally, I have been diagnosed with poly-cystic ovaries (PCOS), have a family history of diabetes and had gestational diabetes. I therefore, know I need to control my blood sugars to avoid metabolic syndrome and keep my hormones balanced to avoid symptoms such as acne, problems sleeping, mood swings, and weight gain.
Blood sugar dysregulation and hormonal imbalances are common problems for women especially as we get older. On top of the stress of motherhood, juggling everyday life, extreme exercise or undereating is only going to put more stress on the body sending our hormones haywire and sabotaging any attempts for weight loss.
I have therefore made it my mission to help mums, whatever stage of their journey, make sense of and take back control of their bodies, through my one-to-one nutritional counselling. I promise no faddy diets and a plan to fit in with your lifestyle.
Get in touch with me for a further discussion about how we can work together
LC Nutrition
Epsom, Banstead, Surrey, United Kingdom
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