Conception, pregnancy and childbirth place huge demands on the body, leading to physical and mental depletion.
On top of this you may be breastfeeding, faced with sleep deprivation, lack of time and the stress of looking after little people.
Post-natal nutrient depletion, often doesn’t end after the post-natal period and can still be apparent 10 years on! Each subsequent pregnancy can lead to further depletion.
Whether you are a new mum or a mum of older children the pressures of motherhood can leave you feeling over-tired, over-worked, over-whelmed and over-needed!
I am passionate about helping mums like you nourish and restore so that you can feel energised and more like your old self again!
+ Consultation (1 hour)
+ Diet and symptom review
+ Personalised nutrition/lifestyle action plan sent to you electronically after the appointment
+ 7 day meal plan
+ Easy meal and recipe ideas for busy mums
+ Consultation (45 mins)
+ In-depth diet and symptom review
+ Personalised action plan
+ 7 day GD diet plan
+ GD recipe ideas
+ GD shopping list
This will be sent out prior to your consultation, and will need to be returned at least 24 hours before our consultation.
Based on your questionnaire I will conduct an In-depth health and lifestyle assessment. I will consider symptoms, medical history, family history, diet, lifestyle and stress prior to our first consultation
During this session I will take a detailed case history. This will cover your current diet, lifestyle, medical history etc. This will help me identify any possible nutritional deficiencies or bodily imbalances.
Based on the information gathered above, we will work together to create a tailored nutrition/ lifestyle plan. This may include dietary and lifestyle advice. I may also advise optional supplements or functional testing. You will be provided with individualised information sheets and recipes to help you with your plan.
We will review your progress and discuss any necessary adjustments and further recommendations.
Get in touch with me for a further discussion about how we can work together
LC Nutrition
Epsom, Banstead, Surrey, United Kingdom
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